Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ramblings on the past week

There is mucho that happens in a week thus it is hard for me to explain in one, poorly-written blog entry. SO my blogs usually end up becoming a bunch of surfacey ramblings. For that I appologize, there is a lot more going on with me internally - spiritually and emotionally. But those things for the most part you'll have to ask me about personally :) I will add little snippets in here though for the reading pleasure of those who care.

The amount of teaching time that I am taking on is increasing significantly. On Friday I had the students to myself because my cooperating teacher took a personal day. This week, I am teaching full-time! However, the students have tons of exciting Holiday events coming up in the next 4 weeks so teaching full-time does not actually mean 4 solid weeks of instructional time. It means teaching a few subjects a day and then herding the kids to their various concerts, music classes, spanish classes, assembly rehearsals, surprise dog shows, etc.

Yep, your read correctly, my students went to a dog show on Monday morning put on by the Quito National Policia themselves! I wish I had taken a picture or two!

On Saturday I went shopping and found some CHEAP DVDs which was great. My housemate and I watched Benjamin Button on Saturday night. On Sunday I spent time with Barbie, Julie, Melissa and the other kids at Alliance going to church, and then haniging at the dorm! The Lord spoke so directly through the pastor at EFC to my heart and encouraged and challenged me in many exciting ways.

On Sunday afternoon I also started reading Heavenly Man, the story of Christian Brother Yun in China and his life of persecution for his faith in Jesus. Seriously, read this book ONLY if you are willing to have God shake your faith to the core and are willing to be lead to pray scary prayers of committment to the Lord. This critic says it best, "An inspirational and heroic story of a radical Christian in the house churches of China. This book is like reading a modern-day version of the book of Acts. Prepare to be deeply encouraged as well as rudely awakened. An absolute must for the sleeping churches of the West." - Rev. Dr. Mark Stibbe. I'm not even half-way through and I'm already telling you to read it if you have time!

Soooo then on Sunday night the girls and I took a taxi to my apartment where my housemate made us an incredible dinner! Including mora (blackberry) smoothies as an appetizer, home-made rolls, chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad and homemade cheesecake! It was fun to have them here and to all get to talk and laugh together, including my housemate!

Tomorrow morning my students and I are going on a field trip to a water treatment facility in Quito to compliment their unit on water that we are currently in the midst of. On Friday, the principal of the lower school will be coming to observe me teaching at 8:30 AM. If you think of it, pray for me then! These observations are important because they kind of make or break a future reference on my resume.

This coming weekend we have a holiday bazaar at the school. Many indigenous crafty men and women are invited to come from Otovalo to sell their crafts. Also, Iwas invited to a dinner party on Saturday night by my fellow fourth-grade teacher via a white invitation in an official United States of America envelope. Her husband is the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the U.S.A. BIG DEAL. Basically they are incredddibly rich and protected people whose home I get to enter and dine in! Woot!

I will leave you with this:
"Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" - Isaiah 30:20-21

Thanks for reading! Love you all! : )
Mees Kreestee

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh you have to buy a new dress for the dinner party! Is it super formal you think? Does the church you go to preach in Spanish or English? That book sounds great I'll have to check it out! Te echo de menos. Tengas una buena semana! Besos!
